Speaker Enquiry

Fiona Lee

Logistics Coordinator

Fiona Lee

Sum up what you do at Fane Speakers in one sentence.
At Fane Speakers, I run the logistics surrounding our events, provide administrative support, and assist the team in growing our wide offering of speakers, hosts and entertainers for all kinds of corporate events.

Your favourite book(s)?
I can be quite flaky when it comes to picking my favourite books, so this is a tough one. I would be sure to note Doreen by Barbara Noble as my own ‘oldie but a goodie’, but in more modern times, a couple that have stuck with me include Foster by Claire Keegan, and Wandering Souls by Cecile Pin.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
I like to get inspiration from talking to people, whether it be friends, family, the neighbour’s garden fence, or lone people on trains who deem me ‘approachable’. Hearing about their various points of view, life stories, and characters that catch their eye can be so thought-provoking, and a source of great entertainment. Haphazard conversations can surprise you and nothing can spark inspiration better than hearing someone get excited about something they’re interested in.

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