Speaker Enquiry

Andrew Vorster

For more than a decade of his career, Andrew was the Head of Technology Research for Visa Europe, where he gained a reputation for fresh thinking and proposing pragmatic solutions to complex problems.

Speaker Enquiry

Andrew Vorster

About Andrew Vorster

Andrew identifies and tracks technology trends and business behaviours, using his unique horizon-scanning methodology that anyone can apply. With a colourful and engaging storytelling style littered with real-life experiences and anecdotes, Andrew’s speeches are unique and impactful, taking audiences on a journey of discovery while imparting key messages and insights for them to contemplate and act upon.

In his roles as an innovation catalyst, start-up, and business strategy adviser, Andrew has worked with media, technology, financial, and manufacturing organisations to prepare them today, for their business success of the future. He is a passionate technologist with vast experience running innovation labs and corporate incubators. Andrew’s talent is in connecting the dots between the implications and the opportunities that key trends will have on society, industry, and the individuals within them. His mission is to challenge companies to answer the fundamental question: what does this technology or innovation mean to your business?

Get in touch to learn more, or to begin the booking process.

Speaker Enquiry


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