Speaker Enquiry

Linda Moir

Linda Moir has worked in a number of high profile businesses that have developed extraordinary reputations for outstanding customer service.

Price Band D: £3K - £5K

Speaker Enquiry

Linda Moir

Price Band D: £3K - £5K

About Linda Moir

Linda Moir led the front line Event Services team at the London Olympic and Paralympic Games where 15,000 volunteer Games makers hosted 9 million spectators.

As Virgin Atlantic’s Director of In Flight Services she was responsible for the airline’s award winning service. She combines a unique background in HR and customer service management to deliver exceptional performance through people. She oversaw significant change at British Airways and was part of the team that steered NATS from public to private ownership.

Summary of messages for today’s world:

Does customer experience still matter in a world where margins are being squeezed, customers have a remote or digital only relationship with organisations and attracting motivated teams feels more difficult than ever?

Linda will draw on her experiences to explore the theme of employee engagement and the direct relationship with customer experience and highlights the key lessons for business during times of cost cutting and low margins. Specifically, the importance of a positive reputation in uncertain times.

She will look at organisations who have emerged as heroes and who have lost public trust during the pandemic.

She will put the case that a memorable customer experience is more important than ever. This is most vividly demonstrated by the London 2012 volunteer Games makers, who smashed the belief that British people ‘don’t do service’.

Linda can talk about:

  • How a differentiated customer experience can drive improved business performance.
  • The exciting opportunity that is leading rather than managing teams that work
  • The importance of great customer experience in digital or direct customer
  • How Virgin Atlantic developed ‘Brilliant Basics Magic Touches’ and how the strategy
    delivered competitive advantage.
  •  The main lessons learnt from the Olympic and Paralympic games and the parallels
    with commercial business.
  • Building a genuinely value- driven business that passes the millennial test.

Linda’s talks are high energy, anecdote-rich and fun.

Get in touch to learn more, or to begin the booking process.

Speaker Enquiry

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